Doodle Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novel (Difference and Similarities)

Doodle Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novel are part of modern literary genres presently used by 21st-century writers.


 Doodle Fiction

a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and handwritten graphics in place of the traditional font.



a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children.

Graphic Novel

a novel in comic-strip format. 


Differences of  Doodle Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novel in Terms of Structure

        Graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots. It is drawn in a particularly Americanized graphic style. Manga refers to a wide range of pictures Japanese produced and published comic books. Both graphic novels and manga are read from left to right. Additionally, both are based on a plot, setting, characters, and theme, just like regular novels we are familiar with. Meanwhile, pictures and writings are doodled in Doodle Fiction to provide comedic elements to the story.



Differences of  Doodle Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novel in Terms of Elements

        Graphic novels are story-driven and written in a style of a comic book. On the other hand, manga is a comic book were mostly printed in black and white. Lastly, doodle fiction uses handwritten graphics instead of using something traditional.



Similarities of  Doodle Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novel

        Doodle fiction, manga, and graphic novel have a lot of similarities, mainly their purpose to entertain their readers. Their characteristics incorporate drawing, illustrations, or graphics in telling the story. It can be a long or short, and fiction or a non-fiction story.


PIVOT IV-A - 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World



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